HEART FOR IRVING | We care about Irving

We believe we can only be the church when we get out of our conform zone to help the hurting in our community. They may be hurting from a lack of food or housing, or from a lack of God in their lives. Either way, we help. But we don’t do it alone. We partner with local churches and organizations to do what we can. Sometimes that means we send money. And sometimes we send food. And almost every time we GO to help.

In 2019, we partnered with the Irving Schools Foundation in a program called Food for Thought to provide food to Irving school children during weekends and evenings. We donated $256,000 to this cause, helped pack food in sacks, filled boxes of food for the Christmas and Spring Break weeks when the children were out of school and were hands-on to help meet the need with those with food insecurity.

In 2020 during the COVID Pandemic, CHRIST Church made sure none of our church members went without, supplied food to the two food banks in Irving, and did all we could possibly do to help those in need.

In 2021 during the seven-day Ice/Snowstorm, we helped gather all homeless in Irving, paid for hotel rooms, and took food to them during the week.

In every case, CHRIST Church did not do it alone. We partnered with other churches and organizations to get it done, and our money and hands-on work was a part of the overall solution.

We do not seek acclaim for any of these acts. We are only doing God’s work to the best of our ability with the resources of time and money that He gives. We only list these examples to show that community service - especially to the under resources and unhoused is a high priority at CHRIST Church.